A beautiful night for portraits. We started in a garden at the Queen Anne Inn for formals and then moved to the beach across from Chatham Light House for some fun and relaxed family portraits. The sweetest 2 year old little girl who smiled anytime I called her name. Here are a bunch of my favorites of this lovely family
These two children really worked hard to earn their lollipops at their session. Its hard to hug your brother and sister and smile with your parents on command for each click of the shutter. They did great...mom and dad were lots of fun too. Here is a small taste from their session.
Another fun and relaxing family session. What a pleasure it was to photograph this famiy of five at their home. The weather even cooperated for us that morning. Here are a few favorites ...
These 2 little girls and their parents were such a pleasure to photograph. They brought their teddy bears to the session and it just added beautiful feel to their family's portrait session. Here are some moments captured from their carefree session at the mill.
Maybe it was because the session took place on the Lucky 7s day ( 7/7/07) but when this ship sailed by, it made for a perfect backdrop for this family's session. A blessing from the "photo gods". The location was already beautiful but this added so much more. A fun family with a set of 3 yr old twins and their big brother. Here a few favorites... : )